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© Robbie Pink, aka RobbyeFaye and You Read Write, 2010-2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Robbie, aka RobbyeFaye and You Read Write with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

© Robbie Pink, aka RobbyeFaye and You Read Write, 2010-2020

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas, A Little Late!

Sean, our oldest, showed up as a Christmas surprise! He got in around 3AM and we all set up talking until almost 7AM, when we all collapsed in bed and slept until close to noon.

Then things got really hectic between everyone being hungry, wanting to open presents, etc., etc. But it was a great kind of hectic.
Sean was able to stay until late Monday evening, so we all had a nice visit(except Bill who had to work).
As part of his work, Bill had to drive to Mississippi today to pick up a resident. I went with him as he tends to get really sleepy if he drives for long periods of time with no one to talk to or anything.
We left at a little before 8 this morning and got back after 5. Bill back to work and me home to fix the little one something to eat and to clean up some more of the Christmas dishes, and other miscellany.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Caught a Cold

OK, so I have a cold that just keeps on keeping on.
Got it as a present from on of my young'uns and according to them I can't return it. A real no deposit, no return kind of thing. Ugh!

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Awesome sight

I saw the most awesome (though a little gruesome) sight yesterday.
It happened so quickly and so closely it took a few moments for it to even sink in what I saw.
I was sitting in the car waiting for Bill while he ran inside to get something and all of a sudden I heard a high pitched squeal and looked to see what it was. At almost the same moment I heard a loud screech.
A hawk caught a squirrel! It skimmed right over the top of the car and into the air over the house!
That is the first time I've ever seen anything like that myself. I know you see things like that on TV sometimes, but I'd never seen it myself.
God's abundance even for the creatures of the air.

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